Abuse isn’t just physical violence.

Abuse is also isolation and control.

Individuals living in rural areas like Lake County may be even more isolated by distance, lack of transportation, and limited communication — especially if they don’t have independent access to internet or phone service.

That’s why ALC is partnering with Vero Networks for the next 2 months to raise money for the Advocates of Lake County.

Vero was formed to fill a need in unserviceable and underserved communities, like Leadville/Lake County, where access to affordable, reliable broadband is limited or simply does not exist.

For the months of August and September, Vero will donate $25 to the Advocates of Lake County for every new account opened in Lake County using our referral code:


Every sign-up using our code benefits ALC and adds much-needed cash to our general operating fund.

That’s a big deal, because most of our funding is “restricted” funding through grants that can pay for only very specific services and situations.

Having a healthy general fund is essential to our ability to meet client needs that fall outside of those restricted categories.

We could not do the work we do without community support. Thank you for being part of the solution and helping ALC create safety and community for all.