About Us

We help survivors of domestic violence, sexual assault, and any kind of violent crime.
The Advocates of Lake County assists survivors of domestic violence, sexual assault, and any kind of violent crime. All Advocates services are free and confidential, and we provide an accepting atmosphere. People of all genders, persuasions, and socioeconomic backgrounds are welcome, including LBGTQ and Spanish-speaking clients.
Our crisis hotline is open 24 hours a day, seven days a week: 719-486-3530 or email help@advocatesoflakecounty.org. See our services.
Our statement concerning violence against transgender teenagers: Say Their Names.
Mission: The Advocates of Lake County provides trauma-informed services and promotes a community where individuals experiencing violence or housing insecurity may achieve personal autonomy.
The Advocates of Lake County is the only agency in Lake County, Colorado, that offers confidentiality and is solely dedicated to victims’ services. We are not affiliated with the court system, law enforcement, or any other government departments.
The Advocates of Lake County respond to emergency calls by law enforcement, hospital staff, social services, and search and rescue when needed to immediately assist victims of crisis or violence.
Our small staff, assisted by trained volunteers, also operates the 24-hour hotline, provides court advocacy, and conducts community education seminars, among other services. Donations from local stores and grants allow us to assist clients in need with some food and household products.