Logo for Advocates of Lake County's Bridge-Leadville Homelessness Services program

Homelessness Response Resources

Homelessness Response Resources

The cause of homelessness is lack of housing. — Jonathan Kozol

Lake County has a working plan to provide prevention, crisis response, and long-term housing solutions to people who are experiencing homelessness or at risk of becoming homeless. 

The resources below contain both information specific to Leadville/Lake County and also national resources to provide a big-picture look at homelessness and housing insecurity. They cover such topics as a general background on homelessness; best practices and legal information around housing and sheltering; research, data, and insights around homelessness relating to violence, economic impacts, rural inequalities, and health care; and shelter impacts on communities and neighborhoods.

We will continually update this page as new resources become available.

For any questions, please email Tim Best, ALC’s Bridge Homelessness Services Director.

Local Resources

National Resources

Click each topic below for a list of related resources.