Survivor Services
We support you whether you choose to stay or leave an abusive relationship.
The Advocates of Lake County can help you navigate a dangerous relationship or recover from a sexual assault.
Not sure if what you’re experiencing is abuse? See the warning signs of domestic violence and sexual abuse.
Whether you choose to stay or leave an abusive relationship, you will receive our support and caring. (Learn how to stay safe.) Because you know your situation better than anyone else, we never pressure you to make a decision.
We welcome anyone who needs help, including women and men, people of all ages and income levels, people who are LBGTQ, and those who speak Spanish.
What to expect
Please call the Advocates for anything you need. We will ask you about your situation and give you the help that you want, with no pressure. Examples include providing information, giving you a safe place to stay, or helping you in court. See our services.
Call us at 719-486-3530. We will answer your questions, then plan a time and place to meet in person. If you need help right away, we will come to where you are or meet somewhere that’s safe for you.
Learn more
Explore our online resources to learn more about domestic violence and sexual assault.