Services Overview
Come to us for crisis support, information, and more.
Survivors of domestic violence, sexual assault, and other violent crimes can find a wide range of support at the Advocates of Lake County. Our assistance is flexible to meet survivors’ needs. We offer these and other services:
- Crisis support: Information, shelter, legal help. We are flexible and provide whatever you need.
- Emergency food, clothing, and toiletries.
- Safe housing: Shelter to keep you out of harm’s way.
- Personal advocacy: Help filling out rental applications, going to appointments, etc.
- Court advocacy: Appearing with you in court, only if you want us to.
- Protection orders.
- Referrals: Referring you to other professionals who can give you specialized help.
- Community education: Educating local government and nonprofit agencies on how our confidentiality privilege works, the kinds of support we can offer, and the like.