Sponsors Welcome!
Private and corporate sponsors make the Empowerment Express possible. Your sponsorship in any amount $200-$1000+ helps us cover the cost of food, materials, promotion, and other expenses for our event — plus adds to our general operating fund!
Choose from 3 sponsorship tiers:
- Tier 1: Mount Sherman ($200-$499)
- Tier 2: Mount Massive ($500-999)
- Tier 3: Mount Elbert ($1000+)
Benefits for sponsors include event tickets, online and print promotion, and more! Download full 2024 sponsorship details.
We happily accept both financial donations and in-kind contributions specific to the event’s needs (e.g., a restaurant may provide some or all meals for the event as their sponsorship donation).
Please contact our team at operations@advocatesoflakecounty.org to discuss sponsorship! We’re so grateful for your support.