Your Rights


Learn how the law protects you.


What are my rights?

You have many rights. Here are a few: The right to be treated with fairness, respect, and dignity; to have your case resolved quickly and fairly; to pursue a civil judgment against anyone who has committed a crime against you; and to be told if you can get financial help and community services.

What is considered a crime?

The Colorado Victim Rights Act covers many crimes, including domestic violence, sexual assault, child abuse, harassment by stalking, ethnic intimidation (hate crimes), assault, menacing, and more.

What are the laws around confidentiality?

Our trained victim’s advocates can keep everything you tell us confidential, unless a child is being abused. We are required to report child abuse. We may not testify in court about anything else you told us unless you give your consent. See the Colorado Revised Statute on Victim Advocate Privilege § 13-90-107.